Preheat the oven to 325 degrees.
Mix (or sift) together:
1 cup brown rice flour
3/4 cup sugar
2 tablespoons cocoa powder
1/8 teaspoon salt
Mix (or sift) together:
1 cup brown rice flour
3/4 cup sugar
2 tablespoons cocoa powder
1/8 teaspoon salt
In a separate bowl, mix together:
3 eggs
2 teaspoons vanilla

Melt together:
1 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips
3/4 cup unsalted butter
1 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips
3/4 cup unsalted butter
Slowly pour the melted chocolate/butter into the eggs while beating on low with an electric mixer.

Add the dry ingredients and beat on medium until combined. Pour batter into a greased 9x9 pan and smooth flat with a spatula. The batter will be quite thick.

Bake for 20 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean. Set the pan on a wire rack to cool. Enjoy!

I created this recipe for my mom. She doesn’t eat wheat, potatoes, tapioca, or sorghum, along with a bunch of other foods. And since she doesn’t keep xanthan gum in her pantry, wheat-free baking is a challenge for her.
She called me a few weeks ago and asked if I had a good gluten free brownie recipe. I pulled out my trusty Bette Hagman cookbook, but her brownie recipe called for potato starch, tapioca flour, and xanthan gum. So that was out of the question!
Hopefully this recipe will work for you Mom. I hope you like it!
Thanks for stopping by my blog.
I'm not GF, and no one in my family is, I do enjoy reading blogs that are along the frugal lines. I'll have to keep an eye on yours.
Ooh, sounds yummy! Those brownies look great! I can't have potato starch or tapioca starch either. I make a version of Bette Hagman's flour mix (the one with potato and tapioca) by using 2 parts rice flour and one part corn starch. Works great!
Yum! I'm going to have to try this, too! I, too, don't do well with potato or tapioca starch, but have used them because of Bette Hagman's recipes and because they are in many different GF mixes, cookies, etc. Either that or corn which I'm intolerant to, as well.
I'm wondering if quinoa flour would work mixed in with the rice flour, or if your Mom can tolerate it. It's a high protein grain, and I just love it. :-)
Thanks so much for your post! :-) I subscribed to your page a while ago and have enjoyed your posts. :-)
Really? No baking powder or baking soda?! I can't have either one, and haven't had a brownie since 2007. This is monumental! I'll have an alternative to my cobbler-of-the-week!
those look really delicious Sarah!! You go girl! That's so sweet of you to make it for your mom!!
Thanks for the encouraging comments!
Kay, I guess I didn't even think to add any baking soda. The brownies are quite dense, so I guess you could add some, but I like them dense! I'm glad they'll work for you. No one should have to live without brownies.
Leza, I do think that quinoa would work in this. I like baking with quinoa flour, but it's quite expensive around here.
Fran, you could easily just use 1 cup wheat flour in this recipe, so I hope you can try it out!
Li, thanks for the tip. Unfortunately, my mom also doesn't eat corn! Whenever she comes to visit, it takes quite a bit of thought to plan a meal for us. When you add my vegetarian sister, it really gets interesting!
Thanks for the compliment Carrie!
Hi, Sarah!
Is there anyone at your grocery store that can find a cheaper brand /supplier of quinoa?
I don't remember how much quinoa flour costs, but the organic 12 oz. box (Ancient Grain) I just bought was for 3.79. We used to buy it in bulk from Whole Foods when we lived in the Chicago area, but I don't remember if it was any cheaper. I love this grain in soups--we just had it, tonight to replace barley. It doesn't taste the same, but you develop a taste for it. :-)
On the box of quinoa flakes they also have recipes. Even my finicky kids love it when I make the muffins with that. I also use it in meatloaf instead of oatmeal or bread, and eat it for breakfast like oatmeal. It's wonderful with maple syrup! :-)
If I didn't need to eat alternative grains, though, I doubt I'd be buying it because of the price! But when you're celiac or gluten intolerant, you don't have much of a choice! You are soooo sweet to invent recipes for your mom! She's fortunate to have you! :-)
Wow, Sarah, thanks for that great recipe (this is your Mom) ;)
And thanks for the quinoa idea, Leza. I have some of the whole quinoa, so I'll get some flour.
Some of you may eat the "Eat Right 4 Your Type" diet like I do (no wheat, corn, potatoes if you're type O blood). It is hard to make goodies like cakes, etc. with those restrictions. I do use some rye flour (I'm not GF), so that helps, but I'll try the quinoa - I'm sure it's better for me.
Hi Everybody,
Those brownie's do look good! When are some of your GF bud's going to get together and publish your own GF recipe book? Lets add one more thing to lives that are already overflowing!
Love, Dad :-)
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