Saturday, August 9, 2008

Me and My Fam

Here's a picture from my Mom's wedding a few weeks ago. It's me, my sister, and three of my cousins.

I'm in the back middle, and going clockwise from me we have Blondin, Tini, Bevo, and Rexi (my sis). Those are all nicknames, rest assured. My family is weird, but not that weird.

(I love you guys!)


Anonymous said...

Hi Everybody,
Somehow those names fit for that crew. And you are wrong, Sarah, they really are weird. LOL
Love Dad :-)

Gluten free Kay said...

Oh, what pretty girls! Hope you had fun together!

Sarah said...

Thanks Kay! We always have a nice time together. Three out of the four (or else maybe all four) are coming down to stay with us for the weekend of August 23rd. I'm looking forward to it!

And when I say that my family is weird, I must admit that I might be the biggest contributor to the madness!