Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Weekly Menu

Here's what I have planned for this week:
One of the advantages to working in HR is that I get to assist with planning the annual Christmas party. We're having the party at our local Elks Club, and they have a gluten free option (Rosemary Chicken, I think). We actually have one other employee who also eats gluten free, so now we both get to go and eat without fear!

I'm just making up the recipe for Artichoke spinach chicken, so if it's good, I'll let you know.

On Saturday we're going to bring our wild rice soup over to our friends' house. They recently had an adorable baby, and they received an interestingly random-sounding game for Christmas, so I think we'll have a good time!

Head over to Org Junkie to find some more great menus!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It's great that your Christmas menu had some GF items.
Have a terrific week.